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Our little garden is growing!

Hello everyone,

The sun is shining (temporarily), the bees are buzzing and Michael is waging war on the calendula. 3Para (3P) is stalking around soggily (I accidentally got him with the hose) looking for things to do and if we’re not careful, he’ll find a project and be finished before we know what it is! So I’ll make this quick.

This week has been amazing. On Monday, Annie and I went to Dobbies all prepared to blow our Dobbies donation of £600 on plants, but we must be a little rusty as we still have some money left over. We walked out with a large amount of their stock which is now settling into our beautiful centre circle. We have had several visitors (bees, butterflies and all manner of beasties) already and we expect a lot more through the summer.

We had our first session on Tuesday and we now have several absolutely brilliant veterans coming to us on a weekly basis. We have some more vets coming up to meet us and it’s all go at DTG!

Big thanks to Ivan Laird for the humungous stack of seed potatoes and to Alec and Annie for organising it. We’re going to get as many as we can squeeze into our beds planted today and there might even be some left over for us teas!

I also just want to take this opportunity to big up our volunteers. If any of you are reading this, we could not have got this far without you and the veterans have all reflected that you seem a very decent bunch. We’re really lucky to have you and we appreciate all that you’re doing. Much love! On that note, props to Fiona (our internet guru) for approaching the lovely Lorraine Kelly who has retweeted some of our stuff! Thanks to Fi for getting us out there!

3P is now looking suspiciously busy so I’m off to find out what he’s up to! Laters (Po)Taters! Check out pictures below

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